Sunday, May 26, 2013

We have been watching Mama Hummingbird since her eggs hatched. We have taken a long time trying to
catch her image (through the window, while we are indoors) being careful that we don't scare her. She
feeds very frequently and while she was gone have been able to take photos of the two babies. They are growing so much you can see their little heads above the nest. They have very long beaks!
Mama sitting in the nest, in back of her babies
Mama hummingbird feeding her babies

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I know, the last few posts haven't been "sketching" or "music".....but I had to show off the awesome nature
photos we have taken recently. We are talking about planting another honeysuckle bush in our yard....only
this time in the backyard. We are putting a small feeder in tomorrow and hope to attract more hummingbirds. They are such fun to watch. I have enjoyed watching things from my front porch too. Busy
days don't allow for much personal time, so I eat breakfast and sometimes lunch at the wrought iron table
on my front porch (the table courtesy of Cindy, my sister in law). Since I work at a computer all day at
home, I often get cabin fever and need to get outdoors!. I have occasionally expanded this on weekends
to include bringing things outdoors to do....such as sketching and planning mixed media projects. I find it
important to create. You can look in unexpected places for inspiration to sketch, for subject matter. Being
out in nature can have a wonderful feel-good effect. Especially if you spend most of your time indoors.

It seems that women are expected do so much these days, often working out of the home while still taking
care of it, caring for children and husbands. It is essential that you do something every day just for you,
however big or small. You can lose your identity otherwise.  Today, take time to define yourself away from
what life's responsibilities are and ask yourself who you are, what you want from life. Give yourself a bit of
time, find a way. I once read about a woman who wanted to write so badly and felt that she could not, with
two little ones to care for. She ended up writing for half an hour after they went to bed (likely too tired to
do any more!) When she really was too tired to put in that half an hour, she got up earlier and wrote before
everyone else got up and needed make breakfast, to pack lunches. She was able to publish several novels that way!  If you are not near a junior college that gives art classes, you might try learning from art books. Since I wanted to learn portraits, I purchased The Art of Drawing People by Walter Foster
(from a Michael's craft store). Not only does it cover tools & materials you need, but goes into detail about
practicing lines, "painting" with pencils and shading. Blending strokes can be done using a paper stub (also
known as a tortillion). Some artists use their finger, but even a clean finger still has natural oils in it that can
damage your art.

I will continue discussing sketching at a later time as it is late in the evening for me. Have fun sketching!