Monday, October 14, 2013

Now that I got the hackers out of the way, I can post new info. I have been doing some Mixed Media work....which has been a lot of fun. I love to experiment getting different kinds of textures from ordinary things. I use heavy duty watercolor paper and make samples as I experiment. I also have tried watercolors on canvas board (doesn't work) and done light watercolors on sketch paper (works if you let it dry for 5 or 10 minutes, cover with parchment paper then weight it down. I have fabric covered bricks that I use for this purpose. When I'm ready for a certain look, I can refer to the samples. Recently, I wanted to see which materials work to distress/make photographs look old. I wanted a somewhat "veiled" effect. I took laser printer black & white photographs and using Mod Podge, glued the photos to a watercolor page. Then, I placed wet tea bag material over it and brushed with more Mod Podge. The image started to wrinkle, so I placed parchment over it and weighted it as mentioned above, for 15 minutes. When I returned, it had dried, with a nice crinkled effect over the photo, which you could still see very well. Very pleasing. However, when I used a different experiment, using a used dryer sheet on top instead of the tea bag material, this made for a "too veiled" effect. Looks like the person is being seen from behind a screen door, you can barely determine what the image is. For my watercolor sketches, I found colored pencils that can be used for sketching, then afterward be made into a watercolor using a fine brush along the pencil lines. I did find, though, that even the tiniest brush is too thick for fine lines & went looking for an alternative. I discovered that Ace Hardware has a Hobby Lobby store that carries craft cotton swabs.....they look like tiny little Q-Tips and with water, you can control how thick your watercolor line is.

1 comment:

  1. Just found out that there is a NEW Hobby Lobby in Sierra Vista!!! Can't wait to visit it!
